I love a good cookbook that is meant for larger families and for those like us who eat healthy. This one didn't grab me as much as I wanted it too. Every week I would pull 5 recipes from it hoping I would love it, hoping that it would become a new favorite but it just didn't. While she appealed to my vegan family this was not a vegan book, there were a good number of recipes in there that were happily already vegan but others that I had to convert or just pass over all together. None of the recipes that I tried were a 'winner' in this house, no requests for "Please make that again!" or "Mom this is the best!" they mostly were forgotten and after a few weeks so was the book. The writer seems like someone I could be friends with, she has a large family and really wants them to eat healthy and convinces her audience that they too can be like them! For those reasons I love the heart this cookbook has. But the recipes just didn't make me want to keep coming back. So there it will sit on my shelf, I may open it from time to time looking for a recipe I forgot was in there, but over all it will just sit there.