
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Half Marathon Training 10 Weeks to go

This is my first half marathon, so there have been a range of emotions leading up to it including:
  • "Wow this is going to be awesome!" - Excitement
  • "All this training is going to make me look fabulous in time for our cruise" - Pride
  • "What was I thinking!?! There is no way I can do this!" - Crash and burn
  • "I can do this, I can do this" - Talking to ones self while running  (aka looking crazy)
  • "Can I get a refund for the entry fee?" - Denial
  • "Lets do this!!" - Energetic (Current state of mind) 
 The weeks are slipping away and my panic is growing. "Will I be ready in time? Can I do this? Will I survive?"
When we are out driving to the grocery store I find myself checking how many miles that was, then comparing it to how long it would take me to run that. My brain has been switched to 'running' mode! When I see the signs for 'Next Town 13 miles' I automatically think "That is a half marathon length! Its yet its so far in the car! It's even farther on foot!! AHHHH!"

I find myself sacrificing my long runs on the weekends to much, those things are HARD to get in! My midweek runs no problem, the off days of cross training, got it! But those horrid long runs keep escaping me! What to do?

When all else fails I Google it. Should be a shirt.. I think it is already. Anyways, my problem for not getting my long runs in is not just me. It was nice to find other moms in the same boat. That is when I came across a wonderful website Another Mother Runner.
It was a wealth of information and that pat on the back I needed to tell me "You are not alone". I even bought the 2nd book they have published "Train Like A Mother" 
As I read it I was laughing thinking they must live with me and see what I have to deal with all to get a run in!  It is full of pep talk and yet empathy of what being a running mom is all about. If you need some encouragement to get out there and run, get this book! I highly recommend it. (they didn't even pay me to say that :)

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