
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Before baby, life with one kid and now 3 kids later... the comparison

I was looking back at old posts from when I had our oldest son and the cute little innocent list I made of how I thought life was different ... well 3 kids later I updated that list!! ('Then' is when our oldest was 3 months old) Enjoy
Before baby:
I cut coupons and would use them when I remember.
I not only cut them, I also print them out and bought a coupon organizer! Woo hoo! And then get excited with all the money I saved.

Now: Are you kidding me? Coupons with kids? Ain't no mommy got the sanity for that! Have you tried grocery shopping with 3 kids? If I leave with what I came in there for it was a good trip, it normally ends with me throwing my credit card to the cashier begging them to check me out faster before the kids run out the door.
Before baby:
Saw cute lil babies and would just smile at them and say "how cute."
I see babies and think "he is going to be that big soon! No stay a baby!! Where is he I miss him?!" (he is attached to me in my moby wrap)

Now: I still make goo-goo eyes at babies and then hold them in one arm while I take care of my own. Can't have to much cuteness! I have issues I know...
Before baby:
I would sing along to songs and not think much of the lyrics most of the time.
I heard a song the other day and was singing it to him and cried! (What happened to me!!!!! I was never that sappy before!!)

Now: "Can't listen to that song" "Nope the kids don't need to know that word" Ok the baby stops crying for Smashing Pumpkins so we listen to that now...
Before baby:
Laundry was just a once a week thing.
The washer and I have become good friends, his name is Chuck. All day long I 'chuck' laundry into its mouth.

Now: I swear more people live in this house then I know about, how do we have that many clothes? I never stop doing laundry! Forget folding it, all it does is sit there till we need to wear it again. If it doesn't smell musty from sitting in the washer to long I reward myself with a a glass of wine at night

Before baby:
Showers were nice and relaxing.
Then: I panic when I hear the baby fuss and my showers have become energy efficient!
Now: Its a party up in here! Do you really think I need all 3 of you in the shower? Oh now your dad too? *eye roll*
Before baby:
The house would get cleaned when ever I had time or people were coming over.
Then:The house can't be clean enough! No germs and cat fur allowed near my baby!
Now: HAHAHAHA! I can't believe I said and did that! Really? I am constantly cleaning up after the tornado that is having kids. There is no end.. and it looks like I never began all at the same time.