
Friday, October 24, 2014

The New Indian Slow Cooker book review

The New Indian Slow Cooker book review

1 Fork out of 5

When it comes to slow cooker cook books I think of easy, not hard. This book was just that, HARD!

First, the term slow cooker to me makes me think, throw everything in and let it do its job. This book had so much prep work that needed to be done for the meal it was like the slow cooker was an after thought. So much needed to be pan fried, or sauted before it even touched the slow cooker that I had 2 pans dirty before even dirtying the slow cooker. Not a fan of that.

Then, the ingredients are a bit hard to find. If I couldn't find it in my local grocery store then forget it. Some of these spices or beans were so hard to find I had to order them off the internet. Again, hard.

If this book wasn't given to me I would never have bought it. This book is not meant for me, a mom with small kids. You need to be prepared to do prep work, let the slow cooker cook for hours on end and do a hunt for ingredients. So who ever has time for that, then please get this book.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review. Shop Amazon - Save on Dutch Ovens

Packet Pickup... the race is near!

Today is the day. Packet pickup day, all the training and prep is becoming real. I have my race ID and all the other fluff included in there. Only day away from my first half marathon and I still feel nervous! It's not like I'm running the Olympics or racing to actually win prize money, but still the nerves are getting to me. Will I survive? Can I really do this?

Time will tell.... Sunday is the day!! Let the carb loading begin!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Down with the sickness! AKA: half marathon training while sick

This is just to much, we are 16 days out from our first half marathon and me and my other 2 mom friends have this nasty respiratory sickness! Coughing, hacking up a lung, nasal dripping like Niagara falls and sneezing that would scare your grandma! Be gone already! This is not the time and place for this!

I tried running 2 weeks ago and had to stop 2 miles in because my chest hurt from all the coughing and trying to breathe while running. This is not acceptable! Then I tried a couple days later again, thinking the rest had done me good and I felt better. But then the next day I felt horrible and like the illness had smacked me across the lungs yet again. No, no, no! 

We are running the Lighthouse Loop Half Marathon in Daytona Beach, FL. The scenery will be great I'm sure as we run towards the giant beast of a lighthouse and then run away from it like it is chasing us, then ending over a bridge. Who chose this thing? We end with our last mile over a bridge?? So much for finishing strong! It is much to late now, the time is ticking away. We start tapering off soon with our training and we start to white carb load 2 days before. 

Taper down for what? (The lil jon song Turn Down for What keeps running thru my head when I think of that) Our training as been sub par at best, especially since all of us were sick right near the end! I would love to tell you that I did a great run this morning of 10 miles and feel pumped and ready for this. But no, not even close. At this point if I can finish I will be happy. Wow that sound horrible, right??

With only 2 weeks and change left till it happens I hope I can get one good last long run in and a few short ones. Then carb load and rest. That is all I can do at this point. There is no turning back and no way to fix timing of sicknesses or unforeseen occurrences.

I have been cooking a lot at home and doing some wonderful meals so I will share them with you soon I promise! This beast of a half marathon is taking over my being at the moment so when that is all done I can hopefully get on the band wagon again with food posts. Bear with me please!